Zukunftsbild 2030, © Daniela Waser

Development process - Nature Park Concept

An intensive participation process

A total of more than 130 interested citizens were involved in the development of the nature park concept.

The nature park concept was developed according to the guidelines for the development of a nature park concept of the Association of Nature Parks of Lower Austria. After an extensive inventory on the topics of protection, education, regional development, and recreation in the nature park region, the nature park started an intensive participation process at the beginning of 2019 to involve the regional population and important stakeholders in the region with the following stages:

  • First round of the nature park dialogue: Workshop to survey the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in each municipality - January to March 2019.
  • Second round of the nature park dialogue: Workshop to collect project ideas for the nature park - June 2019.
  • Future workshop: Nature park-wide event to develop a common vision for the nature park, external moderation by Alexander Kaiser (siegel+kaiser) and live illustration by Daniela Waser - September 26, 2019
  • Working groups on the four pillars: concretisation of the goals and projects per pillar - November 2019.

In total, more than 130 interested citizens were involved in the development of the nature park concept. We’d like to say thank you!

The finalised nature park concept is available for download here.