Bauer und Wirt Langthaler

Farm, Vacation apartment, Place to stay / park

This business is excellent…

  • Flower rating system: 4 flowers
  • Holidays on the farm (member of provincial association)
  • Best of Wachau

Your stay

A small paradise, especially for children, in peaceful Pömling near Emmersdorf. The Langthaler family has owned the stately farm since 1824. They offer a successful combination of inn and agriculture, and spoil visitors in several welcoming guest rooms with local rustic dishes and specialities from their own production.
You can buy smoked and sausage products made from Wachau straw pigs and red deer, naturally cloudy juices, must, liqueurs, home-baked rye bread and home-made pastries directly at the farm. Other attractions: large adventure playground, petting zoo, outdoor bowling alley, deer park, visitor-friendly stables, farm tours, fun tractor and hay wagon rides, game specialities all year round, wonderful panoramic views and hiking destinations (Jauerling-Runde stamp station).

This is what other guests say about this host: Bauer und Wirt Langthaler

Excellent accommodation. Great rooms and fantastic service. Awesome vibe.

Good to know

  • Good restaurant service

  • Nice kids facilities

  • Friendly service

    • „Staff attentive“
  • Professional service

Highlights from the 151 ratings

  • Vibe

    5.0 / 5
    12 ratings
  • Value

    5.0 / 5
    6 ratings
  • Location

    5.0 / 5
    10 ratings
  • Amenities

    5.0 / 5
    14 ratings
  • Room

    5.0 / 5
    6 ratings
  • Service

    4.8 / 5
    38 ratings
    • „Staff attentive“
  • Food

    4.5 / 5
    52 ratings

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Restaurant in the establishment, Wheelchair accessible as per ÖNORM, Terrace/guest garden, Animals at the farm, Wifi, Room with balcony, Lounge area, Baby bed, Baby highchair, Baby-care room, Café/bistro, E-bike charging station, Charging station for electric vehicles, Suitable for wheelchairs, Barbecue area, The esablishment's own wine tavern, Kid's play corner, Air conditioning
  • Service
    Washing machine, Handicapped parking, Bread service, Bus parking, Bicycle storage room, Breakfast possible, Drinks for sale in the establishment, Pets on request, Ab Hof Verkauf, Pets allowed, Pick-up frm the nearest train station, Parking
  • Sports/recreation
    Bowling/bowling alley in the establishment, Garden, Running track, Horseback riding option, Sports area/gym, Petting zoo, Sunbathing lawn
  • Capacities
    Beds: 4, Apartments: 2, Holiday flats: 2, Restaurants: 1, Conventionrooms: 2, Conventionrooms from(size in m²): 40, Conventionrooms to(size in m²): 60
  • Location
    calm environment, rural location
  • Distance
    to the exhibition center: 30 km, to the lake: 4 km, to the next train station: 4 km, to the city center: 4 km, to the airport: 120 km

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Bauer und Wirt Langthaler

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